Legett HD, Ogburn MB. 2023. River herring spawning run monitoring in four Chesapeake Bay rivers 2013-2019. 2023. Dataset:
Huang CS, Legett HD, Plough LV, Aguilar R, Fitzgerald C, Gregory B, Heggie K, Lee B, Richie KD, Harbold W, Ogburn MB. 2023. Early detection and recovery of river herring spawning habitat use in response to a mainstem dam removal. Dataset:
Olson JC, Lefcheck JS, Goodison MR, Lienesch A, Ogburn MB. 2023. Fish size-spectra from imaging sonar reveal variation in habitat use across nearshore coastal ecosystems. Smithsonian Institution. Dataset:
Legett HD, Ogburn MB. 2022. Chesapeake spring water temperatures 2021-2022. Smithsonian Institutions. Datasets: Choptank River, Patapsco River, Rappahannock River.
Ogburn MB, Plough LV, Bangley CW, Fitzgerald CL, Hannam MP, Lee B, Marafino G, Richie KD, Williams MR, Weller DE. 2022. Environmental DNA reveals anadromous river herring habitat use and recolonization after restoration of aquatic connectivity. Dataset:
Bangley CW, Edwards ML, Mueller C, Fisher RA, Aguilar R, Heggie K, Richie K, Ahr BJ, Ogburn MB. Environmental associations of cownose ray (Rhinoptera bonasus) seasonal presence along the U.S. Atlantic coast. 2021. Smithsonian Institution. Dataset:
Donelan S, Ogburn MB, Breitburg D. 2020. Context-dependent carryover effects of hypoxia and warming in a coastal ecosystem engineer. Smithsonian Institution. Dataset:
Whigham D, Holmquist J, Ogburn MB, Goodison M, McFarland L, Megonigal P. 2020. 2015-2018 USA-MDA TMON Marsh Biomass Surveys. Smithsonian Institution. Dataset:
Plough LV, Ogburn MB, Fitzgerald C, Geranio R, Marafino G, Richie KD. 2018. Environmental DNA analysis of river herring in Chesapeake Bay: a powerful tool for monitoring threatened keystone species. Dataset:
2020 Annual Report
2021 Annual Report
2022 Annual Report