Kimberly Richie
Research Technician
Visiting Hours: Monday-Sunday, 8am-4:30pm. Read Plan Your Visit for more information on where to park, updated maps, safety, and more. Find out when to visit the Woodlawn History Center.
B.A. Biology, Arcadia University, 2011
Research Interests:
Blue crab reproductive ecology. Estuarine ecology. Fisheries ecology. River Herring habitat use. Mark-recapture studies. Acoustic telemetry.
Ogburn, Matthew B., Roberts, Paige M., Richie, Kimberly D., Johnson, Eric G. and Hines, Anson H. 2014. Temporal and spatial variation in sperm stores in mature female blue crabs Callinectes sapidus and potential effects on brood production in Chesapeake Bay.Marine Ecology Progress Series, 507: 249-262. doi:10.3354/meps10869