Coastal Disease Ecology
Principal Investigator


For a list of publications & citations, visit my Google Scholar page.

33. %AM Tracy, KM Pagenkopp Lohan, R Carnegie, C McCollough, M Southworth, & MB Ogburn (In press) Interactions between three oyster parasites intensify disease impacts amidst high environmental and spatial variation. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology.


32.  %SA Gignoux-Wolfsohn, #M Garcia Ruiz,  #D Portugal Barron,  GM Ruiz,  KM Pagenkop Lohan (In press) Bivalve microbiomes are shaped by host species, size, parasite infection, and environment. PeerJ

31. KM Pagenkopp Lohan*, %SA Gignoux-Wolfsohn*, & GM Ruiz (2024) Community Interactions Impact Marine Disease Dynamics. Trends in Parasitology.40(2): 106-117. *Equal Authors.

30. $L Yisrael, R DiMaria, P Santos Ciminera, L Aguirre-Macedo, V Vidal Martinez, GM Ruiz, M Torchin, K Hill-Spanik, A Gnanadesikan, & KM Pagenkopp Lohan (2024) Phylogeography and Connectivity of Perkinsusspecies across North and Central America. Diversity and Distributions. 30(3): e13807

29. KM Pagenkopp Lohan, R Aguilar, R DiMaria, K Heggie, T Tuckey, M Fabrizio & MB Ogburn (2023) Juvenile Striped Bass (Morone saxatilis) consume diverse prey in shallow tributary habitats of Chesapeake Bay. Marine and Coastal Fisheries. 15:e10259.

28. KM Pagenkopp Lohan, J Darling, & GM Ruiz (2022) Global Shipping: A Potent Vector for Spreading Marine Parasites. Diversity and Distributions. 1-12pp. Doi:10.1111/ddi.13592.

27. R Aguilar, JA Baeza, S Prakash, MB Ogburn, KM Pagenkopp Lohan, KS MacDonald III, AC Driskell, M Leray, ST Ahyong, SE McIlroy, TD Tuckey, & AH Hines (2022) Unresolved taxonomy can confound the identification of invasive species: Introduction of a member of the Lysmata vittata Stimpson 1860 (Decapoda: Caridea) species complex in the western Atlantic. Journal of Crustacean Biology 48(1):XX.

26. %AM Hruska, A Cawood, KM Pagenkopp Lohan, MB Ogburn, & KJ Komatsu (2022) Going Remote: Recommendations for Normalizing Virtual Internships. Ecosphere. ecs2.3961: 1-14.

25. JM Hassell, T Newbold, AP Dobson, YM Linton, LHV Franklinos, D Zimmerman, & KM Pagenkopp Lohan(2021) Towards an ecosystem model of infectious disease. Nature Ecology & Evolution. 5: 907-918.

24. %P Pappalardo, AG Collins, KM Pagenkopp Lohan, KM Hanson, SB Truskey, W Jaeckle, CL Ames, JA Goodheart, SL Bush, LM Biancani, EE Strong, M Vecchione, MG Harasewych, K Reed, C Lin, EC Hartil, J Whelpley, J Blumberg, K Matterson, NE Redmond, A Becker, MJ Boyle & K Osborn (2021) The role of taxonomic expertise in interpretation of metabarcoding studies. ICES Journal of Marine Science. 78: 3397-3410.

23. P Comizzoli, KM Pagenkopp Lohan, C Muletz-Wolz, JM Hassell, BJ Coyle (2021) The Interconnected Health Initiative: A Smithsonian Framework to Support One Health Research and Education. Frontiers in Veterinary Medicine. 8:629410.

22. %SA Gignoux-Wolfsohn, #M Newcomb, GM Ruiz, & KM Pagenkopp Lohan (2020) Environmental factors drive the release of Perkinsus marinus from infected oysters. Parasitology. 148: 532-538.

21. J Darling, J Martinson, KM Pagenkopp Lohan, KJ Carney, E Pilgrim, A Banerji, KK Holzer, & GM Ruiz (2020) Metabarcoding reveals differences in the accumulation of ballast water borne biodiversity delivered to three port systems in the United States. Science of the Total Environment. 749:141456.

20. P Duffin, D Martin, KM Pagenkopp Lohan, & C Ross (2020) Integrating parasite loading, host immune status, and environmental stress in a seagrass pathosystem: Assessing immune markers and a universal qPCR primer set. Plos ONE. 15(3): e0230108.

19. KM Pagenkopp Lohan, R DiMaria, D Martin, C Ross, & GM Ruiz (2020) Examining the diversity and habitat association of Labyrinthula spp. in Florida coastal waters with targeted metabarcoding. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms. 137: 145-157.

18. KM Pagenkopp Lohan, GM Ruiz, & ME Torchin (2020) Chapter 7: Invasions can alter marine disease dynamics. For Marine Disease Ecology. Eds: DC Behringer, BR Silliman, KD Lafferty. Pgs. 115-138.

17. A Rey, KJ Carney, LE Quinones, KM Pagenkopp Lohan, GM Ruiz, OC Basurko, & N Rodríguez-Ezpeleta (2019) Environmental DNA metabarcoding: a promising tool for ballast water monitoring. Environmental Science and Technology. DOI:10.1021/acs.est.9b01855

16. HJ Small, JP Huchin-Mian, KS Reece, KM Pagenkopp Lohan, MJ Butler IV, & JD Shields (2019) Prevalence of the parasitic dinoflagellate Hematodinium perezi in larval and juvenile blue crabs, Callinectes sapidus, from the coastal bays of Virginia. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms. 134: 215 – 222.

15. KM Pagenkopp Lohan, TL Campbell, J Guo, M Wheelock, RA DiMaria, & JB Geller (2019) Intact vs. homogenized subsampling: Testing impacts of pre-extraction processing of multi-species samples on invasive species detection. Management of Biological Invasions.10: 324-341

14. JA Darling, J Martinson, Y Gong, S Okum, E Pilgrim, KM Pagenkopp Lohan, KJ Carney, & GM Ruiz    (2018) Ballast water exchange and invasion risk posed by intracoastal vessel traffic: An evaluation using   high throughput sequencing. Environmental Science and Technology. doi:10.1021

13. KM Pagenkopp Lohan, KM Hill-Spanik, ME Torchin, RC Fleischer, & GM Ruiz (2018) Phylogeography and connectivity of molluscan parasites in Panama and beyond. International Journal of Parasitology. 48: 135-144.

12. KM Pagenkopp Lohan, RC Fleischer, KJ Carney, KK Holzer, & GM Ruiz (2017) Molecular characterization of protistan species and communities in ships’ ballast water across three U.S. coasts. Diversity and Distributions. 23: 680-691.

11. KM Pagenkopp Lohan, ME Torchin, RC Fleischer, & GM Ruiz (2017) Protistan biogeography: A snapshot across a major shipping corridor spanning two oceans. Protist. 168: 183-196.

10. KM Pagenkopp Lohan, KM Hill-Spanik, ME Torchin, L Aguirre-Macedo, RC Fleischer, & GM Ruiz (2016) Richness and distribution of tropical oyster parasites in two oceans. Parasitology. 143: 1119-1132.

9.   KM Pagenkopp Lohan, RC Fleischer, KJ Carney, KK Holzer, & GM Ruiz (2016) Amplicon-based pyrosequencing reveals high diversity of protistan parasites in ships’ ballast water: Implications for biogeography and infectious diseases. Microbial Ecology. 71:530-542.

8.   KM Pagenkopp Lohan, KM Hill, RC Fleischer, ME Torchin, EE Strong, & GM Ruiz (2015) Molecular phylogenetics reveals first record and invasion of Saccostrea species in the Caribbean. Marine Biology. 162(5): 957-968.

7.   KM Pagenkopp Lohan, JR McDowell, JD Shields, & KS Reece (2014) Genotypic variation of Hematodinium perezi along the Delmarva Peninsula, Virginia. Marine Biology. 161: 261-273.

6.   KM Pagenkopp Lohan, HJ Small, JD Shields, AR Place, & KS Reece (2013) Conservation in the first internal transcribed spacer (ITS1) region of Hematodinium perezi genotype III from Callinectes sapidus. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms.103: 65–75.

5.   KM Pagenkopp Lohan, JR McDowell, JD Shields, J Xiao, TL Miller, & KS Reece (2012)

Isolation and characterization of microsatellite loci for the parasitic dinoflagellate, Hematodinium perezi, a parasite of Callinectes sapidus. Molecular Ecology Resources. 12:  570-572.

4.   KM Pagenkopp Lohan, KS Reece, TL Miller, KN Wheeler, HJ Small, & JD Shields (2012) The role of alternate hosts in the ecology and life history of Hematodinium, a parasitic dinoflagellate of the blue crab (Callinectes sapidus). The Journal of Parasitology. 98(1): 73-84.

3.   HJ Small & KM Pagenkopp (2011) Alternate hosts and potential reservoirs for disease causing organisms of commercially important crustaceans. (Invited review) Journal of Invertebrate Pathology. 106: 153-164.

2.   C Li, KS Reece, TL Miller, HJ Small, KM Pagenkopp, & JD Shields (2010) A real-time assay for detection and quantification of the parasitic dinoflagellate Hematodinium spp. in environmental water samples. Harmful Algae. 9: 515-521.

1.   KM Pagenkopp, J Klicka, KL Durrant, JC Garvin, & RC Fleischer (2008) Geographic variation in malarial parasite lineages in the Common Yellowthroat (Geothlypis trichas). Conservation Genetics. 9(6): 1577-1588.

homogenized subsampling: Testing impacts of pre-extraction processing of multi-species samples on
invasive species detection.
Management of Biological Invasions
. 10(2): 324-341