Participatory Science ProjectClassroom Cultivation: Exploring Plant Ecology

Program History

The Classroom Cultivation program is based on a previous program, Orchids in Classrooms (OIC). Orchids in Classrooms are scientists and researchers from the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center (SERC) partnering with the North American Orchid Conservation Center (NAOCC), Fraichild tropical Botanical Gardens, and the Million Orchid Project who partner with students and teachers in various regions to study and conserve native orchids. The goal of this research is to determine better protocols to produce viable seedlings for future reintroductions and advancing the long-term sustainability of native orchids. This classroom-driven conservation effort allows levels of production that would otherwise not be achievable by scientists alone, while providing the framework to conduct powerful and relevant scientific research. In the 2019-2020 school year, OIC were able to collaborate with students and teachers in 14 different classrooms around different regions (seven DC public schools, 5 MD classrooms and one science center, and one FL school) to study native orchids.

