Hartzell, Jeanne L. ; Jordan, Thomas E. ; Cornwell, Jeffrey C.
Phosphorus Burial in Sediments Along the Salinity Gradient of the Patuxent River, a Subestuary of the Chesapeake Bay (USA).
Estuaries and Coasts,
, 92-106.
McCarty, G. W. ; McConnell, L. L. ; Hapeman, C. J. ; Sadeghi, A. ; Graff, C. ; Hively, W. D. ; Lang, M. W. ; Fisher, T. R. ; Jordan, Thomas E. ; Rice, C. P. ; Codling, E. E. ; Whitall, D. ; Lynn, A. ; Keppler, J. ; Fogel, Marilyn L.
Water quality and conservation practice effects in the Choptank River watershed
Journal of Soil and Water Conservation,
, 461-474.
Castro, M. S. ; Driscoll, C. T. ; Jordan, Thomas E. ; Reay, W. G. ; Boynton, W. R.
Sources of nitrogen to estuaries in the United States.
, 803-814.
Castro, Mark S. ; Driscoll, C. T. ; Jordan, Thomas E. ; Reay, W. G. ; Boynton, W. R. ; Seitzinger, S. P. ; Styles, R. V. ; Cable, J. E.
Contribution of atmospheric deposition to the total nitrogen loads to thirty-four estuaries on the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts of the United States.
Nitrogen loading in coastal water bodies: an atmospheric perspective
American Geophysical Union
Gallegos, Charles L. ; Jordan, Thomas E.
Seasonal progression of factors limiting phytoplankton pigment biomass in the Rhode River estuary, Maryland (USA): II. Modeling N versus P limitation.
Marine Ecology Progress Series,
, 199-212.
Gallegos, Charles L. ; Jordan, Thomas E.
Seasonal progression of factors limiting phytoplankton pigment biomass in the Rhode River estuary, Maryland (USA): I. Controls on phytoplankton growth.
Marine Ecology Progress Series,
, 185-198.
Gallegos, Charles L. ; Jordan, Thomas E. ; Correll, David L.
Interannual variability in spring bloom timing and magnitude in the Rhode River, Maryland, USA: observations and modeling.
Marine Ecology Progress Series,
, 27-40.
Howarth, R. W. ; Billen, G. ; Swaney, D. ; Townsend, A. ; Jaworski, N. ; Lajtha, K. ; Downing, J. A. ; Elmgren, R. ; Caraco, N. ; Jordan, Thomas E. ; Berendse, F. ; Freney, J. ; Kudeyarov, V. ; Murdoch, P. ; Zhao-liang, Zhu.
Riverine inputs of nitrogen to the North Atlantic Ocean: Fluxes and human influences.
, 75-139.
Gallegos, Charles L. ; Jordan, Thomas E. ; Correll, David L.
Event-scale response of phytoplankton to watershed inputs in a subestuary: Timing, magnitude, and location of blooms
Limnology and Oceanography,
, 813-828.
Jordan, Thomas E. ; Correll, David L.
Continuous automated sampling of tidal exchanges of nutrients by brackish marshes
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science,
, 527-545.
Jordan, Thomas E. ; Correll, David L.
Nutrient chemistry and hydrology of interstitial water in brackish tidal marshes of Chesapeake Bay.
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science,
, 45-55.