Scientist Emeritus
Staff Profile
(1995). Carbon sequestration in Wetland Ecosystems: A Case Study. Carbon Sequestration in the Biosphere (33-45)
(1994). Stimulation of methane emission by carbon dioxide enrichment of marsh vegetation. Nature, 370 , 47-49.
(1993). Open top chambers for studies of the long-term effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 on wetland and forest ecosystem processes. Design and execution of experiments on CO2 enrichment (273-289) E. Guyot, SA .
(1993). Open top chambers for exposing plant canopies to elevated CO2 concentration and for measuring net gas exchange. Vegetatio, 104/105 , 3-15.
(1992). Field techniques for exposure of plants and ecosystems to elevated CO2 and other trace gasses. Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences, 11 (2) , 85-119.
(1992). Impact of rising CO2 on ecosystem production. Water, air, and soil pollution, 64 , 25-44.
(1992). Photosynthesis of the C3 sedge, Scirpus olneyi, after long-term exposure to elevated CO2 in open top chambers in the field. Trends in Photosynthesis Research (339-344) Intercept .
(1992). Photosynthetic CO2 assimilation and rising atmospheric CO2 concentrations. Commissioned Review. Crop photosynthesis: Spatial and temporal determinants (69-107) Elsevier Science Publishers .