2019-2021. The value of shallow water nursery habitats of upper Chesapeake Bay to the Summer Flounder Paralichthys dentatus ($233,058 over 2 years). NOAA Chesapeake Bay Office. PIs: Ogburn MB, Lohan KP, Bangley CW.
2018-2020. Integrative assessment of the quality of shallow tributary forage habitats for Striped Bass in Chesapeake Bay ($240,011 over 2 years). NOAA Chesapeake Bay Office. PIs: Ogburn MB, Lohan KP, Hines AH.
2018-2019. Management of MATOS for the ATN ($75,000 over 1 year). NOAA. PIs: Ogburn MB, MARACOOS.
2018-2019. Habitat use patterns and migratory connectivity of Cownose Rays (Rhinoptera bonasus) in Pamlico Sound ($16,870 over two years). North Carolina Aquarium Society. PI: Bangley CW.
2018-2019. Crossroads of Arabia: Smithsonian-Saudi Aramco biodiversity monitoring ($500,000 over 1 year). Aramco Services Company. PIs: Leimgruber P, Marra P, Ogburn MB.
2018. Barcoding the Chesapeake Bay: The tail end ($26,168 over 1 year). Smithsonian Institution Global Genome Initiative. PIs: Ogburn MB, Duffy JE.
2018. Tennenbaum Marine Observatory Network - MarineGEO Chesapeake Bay ($81,041 over 1 year). PIs: Ogburn MB, Miller W.
2017-2018. Characterization of the elasmobranch community in the tidal Cape Fear River ($6,978 over 2 years). North Carolina Aquarium Society. PIs: Bangley CW, Peele E.
2017. Identifying juvenile nursery habitat of the Cownose Ray ($14,000 over 1 year). The Curtis & Edith Munson Foundation. PI: Ogburn MB.
2017. SI MOVE - Movement of Life Initiative ($500,000 over 1 year). Aramco Services Company. PIs: Leimgruber P, Marra P, Ogburn MB.
2017. Barcoding the Chesapeake Invertebrates ($16,527 over 1 year). Smithsonian Institution Global Genome Initiative and Barcode Program. PIs: Ogburn MB, Lemaitre R, Hines AH.
2017. Tennenbaum Marine Observatory Network - MarineGEO Chesapeake Bay ($78,236 over 1 year). PIs: Ogburn MB, Miller W.
2016. SI MOVE - Movement of Life Initiative ($500,000 over 1 year). Aramco Services Company. PIs: Leimgruber P, Marra P, Ogburn MB.
2016-2019. River Herring spawning run monitoring in Chesapeake Bay – II (MD, VA) ($490,532 over 3 years). National Fish and Wildlife Foundation. PIs: Ogburn MB, Hines AH.
2016. Tennenbaum Marine Observatory Network - MarineGEO Chesapeake Bay ($71,810 over 1 year). PIs: Miller W, Ogburn MB.
2015. Barcoding the Chesapeake Invertebrates ($13,543 over 1 year). Smithsonian Institution. PIs: Ogburn MB, Lemaitre R, Hines AH.
2015-2017. Predictive habitat modeling for River Herring conservation in the Chesapeake Bay watershed ($92,958 over 2 years). Smithsonian Institution Competitive Grants Program for Science. PIs: Ogburn MB, Weller DE, Hines AH.
2015. SI-Move: An Earth Observatory for Movement Ecology ($19,776 over 1 year). Smithsonian Institution Grand Challenges. PIs: Leimgruber P, Marra P, Ogburn MB, Dove C.
2015. River herring spawning run monitoring in Chesapeake Bay ($193,746 over 1 year). National Fish and Wildlife Foundation. PIs: Hines AH, Ogburn MB.
2015-2018. Application of dual-frequency imaging sonar to the study of oyster reef ecosystem services ($273,638 over 3 years). NOAA Chesapeake Bay Office. PIs: Hines AH, Ogburn MB.
2015-2017. Determining the resiliency of juvenile oysters to estuarine stressors and climate change: Implications for restoration and aquaculture programs ($207,183 over 2 years). Maryland Sea Grant. PIs: Breitburg DL, Ogburn MB.
2015. Tennenbaum Marine Observatory Network - MarineGEO Chesapeake Bay ($67,268 over 1 year). PIs: Miller W, Ogburn MB.
2014-2016. Nursery habitat contributions to the Chesapeake Bay blue crab spawning stock ($323,341 over 2 years). NOAA Saltonstall-Kennedy Grant Program. PIs: Ogburn MB, Gilmour CC, Johnson EG, Hines AH.
2014-2015. Red crab egg research ($70,455 over 2 years). NOAA/Industrial Economics, Inc. PI: Hines AH.
2014. Sustainable Reduction in Maryland ‘Ghost Pot’ Fishing ($48,647 over 1 year). National Fish and Wildlife Foundation. PIs: Osman R, Ogburn MB, Hines AH.
2014-2016. Biotelemetry of cownose rays in Chesapeake Bay: Habitat use, movement, and long-distance migration ($97,398 over 2 years). Smithsonian Institution Competitive Grants Program for Science. PIs: Hines AH, Ogburn MB.
2014-2016. Evaluating the relative impacts of the recreational and commercial sectors of the blue crab fishery in Maryland ($200,484 over 2 years). PIs: Hines AH, Ogburn MB, Johnson EG.
2014. Imaging sonar run counts of river herring in Chesapeake Bay ($201,506 over 1 year). National Fish and Wildlife Foundation. PIs: Hines AH, Ogburn MB, Aguilar R.
2013-2015. Urban waterways and civic engagement ($15,000 over 2 years). Smithsonian Institution Grand Challenges. PI: Hines AH.
2013. Incorporating habitat use and dispersal into the trophic dynamics of an exotic top predator ($46,817 over 1 year). Smithsonian Institution Competitive Grants Program for Science. PIs: Hines AH, Ogburn MB.
2013. Imaging sonar run counts of river herring in Chesapeake Bay ($405,066 over 1 year). National Fish and Wildlife Foundation. PIs: Hines AH, Ogburn MB, Aguilar R.
2012-2014. Trophic dynamics of blue catfish in Maryland ($165,097 over 2 years). NOAA Chesapeake Bay Program. PIs: Johnson EG, Hines AH.
2012-2014. Evaluating population level impacts of sperm limitation on the Chesapeake blue crab stock ($66,513). NOAA Chesapeake Bay Program. PIs: Johnson EG, Hines AH
2012-2014. Monitoring for a fatal blue crab virus in rivers with and without soft shell production systems ($17,993 over 2 years). Maryland Sea Grant. PIs: Schott E, Johnson EG, Hines AH.
2012. Assessing essential fishery habitat and spatial connectivity in a marine crustacean top predator ($14,201 over 1 year). Smithsonian Institution. PI: Hines AH.
2012. Barcoding the Chesapeake Fishes and Invertebrates: Phase II ($49,000 over 1 year). Smithsonian Institution. PIs: Hines AH, Ogburn MB, Johnson EG, Weigt L.
2011-2013. Population decline and restoration of soft-shell clams in Chesapeake Bay: role of predation, habitat, disease, and environmental factors ($87,431 over 2 years). NOAA Chesapeake Bay Office. PIs Hines AH, Johnson EG.
2011-2012. Post storm survey of upper Chesapeake Bay clam population ($3,750 over 1 year). Maryland Sea Grant. PI: Hines AH.
2009-2011. A novel application of bio-geochemical fingerprinting to evaluate the nursery potential of Chesapeake Bay subestuaries to contribute to the blue crab spawning stock ($229,544 over 2 years). NOAA Saltonstall-Kennedy Grant Program. PIs: Hines AH, Johnson EG.
2008-2009. Spatial patterns of blue crab recreational fishery exploitation and migratory success of mature females in Maryland ($52,374 over 2 years). Maryland Watermen’s Association. PI: Johnson EG.
2007-2008. Investigating the feasibility of stock enhancement of blue crabs ($57,940 over 2 years). Maryland Watermen’s Association. PIs: Johnson EG, Hines AH.
2003-2005. Quantitative Analysis of Spatial Patterns of Marine Invasions for North America --- Establishing a National Baseline & Database ($300,000 over 2 yr). National Sea Grant. PIs: Gregory M. Ruiz, Jeffrey Crooks, & Anson Hines.
2003-2004. Broad-Scale Non-Indigenous Species Monitoring along the West Coast in National Marine Sanctuaries and National Estuarine Research Reserves ($189,000 over 1 yr). National Fish & Wildlife Foundation. PIs: G.M. Ruiz and A.H. Hines. CoPIs: S. Gittings, M. Crawford, L. Takata, D. Bulthuis, J. Crooks, S. Lonhart, S. Rumrill, C. Schoch, K. Wasson.
2002-2004. The Blue Crab, Callinectes sapidus: An Integrated Research of Basic Biology, Hatchery Technologies and the Potential for Replenishing Stocks ($3,500,000 for 2.5 yr). NOAA Chesapeake Bay Office. CoPIs: Y. Zohar, J. Trant, A. Place, A. Hines, J. Davis, R. Lipcius, D. Eggleston, H. Perry.
2002-2004. Detection of Biological Invasions: Comparison of Spatial and Temporal Measures at Core Demonstration sites of Chesapeake Bay, San Francisco Bay, and Tampa Bay ($150,000 over 3 yr). U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service PIs: G. Ruiz, A. Hines, & N. Smith.
2002-2004. Biological Invasions of Tampa Bay, Florida ($70,000 for 2 yr). U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, PIs: G. Ruiz & A. Hines.
2002-2004. North American On-Line Database of Marine Invasions: Integrating Ecological Analyses and Museum Collections toward Development of a Distributed, International Network ($200,000 over 3 yr). Richard Lounsbery Foundation. PIs: G. Ruiz, A Hines, A. Weitzman, & R. Simons.
2002-2004. Winter Mortality of Chesapeake Blue Crabs, Callinectes sapidus ($153,000 for 2 yr). Maryland Sea Grant Program. CoPIs: A.H. Hines, V.S.Kennedy, W.VanHeukelem, T. Miller.
2002. Biological Invasions of Fouling Communities in Tampa Bay, Florida ($75,000 for 1 yr). US Fish &Wildlife Service. CoPIs: G.M. Ruiz and A.H. Hines.
2002. Biological Diversity and Ecosystem Integrity of the Indian River Lagoon ($16,000 for 1 yr). NSF Bioinformatics Incubation Grant. CoPIs: M. Musavi, R. Hinkle, G. Gilmore, A. Hines and 6 others.
2001-2005. Ecological and Socioeconomic Indicators for Integrated Assessment of Aquatic Ecosystems of the Atlantic Slope ($6,000,000 for 4 yr). US EPA. PI: R.P. Brooks, CoPIs: D.F. Whigham, A.H. Hines & 28 others.
2001-2002. Anthropogenic Nitrogen Impact and Cycling at the Terrestrial-Estuarine Interface. Melon Foundation/ Smithsonian Institution ($126,000 for 2 yr). CoPIs: A.H.Hines, M. Fogel, M. Wooller , T.J. Jordan.
2001-2003. Aquatic Nuisance Species. Coastal Dispersal of Invasive Species in Domestic Ballast Water ($207,000 for 2 yr). National Sea Grant Program, CoPIs: A.H. Hines & G.M.Ruiz.
2001-2003. Coastal Dispersal of Invasive Species in Domestic Ballast Water ($150,000 for 2 yr). Regional Citizens Advisory Council of Prince Williams Sound. PIs: A. Hines & G. Ruiz.
2001-2002 Aquatic Nuisance species. Coastal Dispersal of Invasive Species in Domestic Ballast Water ($207,000 for 2 yr). National Sea Grant Program. CoPIs: A.H. Hines, G.M.Ruiz
2000-2003. Marine invasions in south-central Alaska ($360,000 for 4 yr). PWS Regional Citizens Advisory Council and US. Fish &Wildlife Service. CoPIs: A.H. Hines and G.M Ruiz.
2000-2002. Spatial Dynamics and the Protection of Critical Habitats to Conserve Spawning. Stock and Recruitment in Exploited Marine Species with Complex Life Cycles ($462,000 for 2 yr). NOAA National Sea Grant. PI: R.N. Lipcius, Co-PIs: A.H. Hines, R.D. Seitz, T. Miller, M. Fogarty, L. Marshall, H. V-c. Wang, J. van Montfrans.
2000-2001. Sperm Allocation and Potential for Sperm Limitation in the Blue Crab,Callinectes sapidus ($327,000 over 3 yr). National Science Foundation, Biological Oceanography. Co-PIs: T.G. Wolcott, A.H. Hines, D.L. Wolcott, P.R. Jivoff.
2000-2001. The Relative Importance of Ballast water from Domestic Ship Traffic in Translocation of Nonidigenous Species among U.S. Ports ($237,000 for 2 yr). National Sea Grant. CoPIs: G.M. Ruiz, A.H. Hines, L.D. Smith, J.T. Carlton.
2000-2001. Ballast Water Management ($1,030,000 for 4 yr). U.S. Coast Guard. Co-PIs: G.M. Ruiz, A.H. Hines.
2000-2001. Understanding Patterns and Effects of Nonindigenous Species on Multiple Spatial Scales: A Quantitative and Comparative Approach ($300,000 for 2 yr). NOAA National Sea Grant. Co-PIs: G.M Ruiz, A.H. Hines.
1999-2002 Marine Invasive Species: Patterns of Invasion and Impacts on Biodiversity ($266,000 for 3 yr). Department of Defense. CoPIs: G.M. Ruiz , A.H. Hines.
1999-2002. Marine Invasive Species: Patterns of Invasion and Impacts on Biodiversity. Department of Defense, Legacy Program ($555,000 for 3 yr). CoPIs: G.M. Ruiz, A.H. Hines.
1999-2000. Ballast Water Exchange Experiments. National Sea Grant Program & U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service ($130,000 for 1 yr). Co-PIs: G.M. Ruiz, A.H. Hines.
1998-2000. Marine Species of China Seas. Translation from Chinese to English. Seidel Fund, Smithsonian Institution ($50,000 over 3 yrs). PIs: A.H. Hines, J. Lin, G.M. Ruiz.
1998-2000. Measuring the Transfer, Dynamics, and Risk of Invasion for Microbial. Communities Associated with Ballast Water from Ships. Maryland Sea Grant ($148,000 for 2 yrs). Co-PIs: G.M. Ruiz, A.H. Hines, F.C. Dobbs, A. Huq.
1998-2001. A Field Test of Source Sink Dynamics in Marine Ecosytems: Linking. Recruitment, Dispersal and Post-Settlement Processes in Space and Time. National Science Foundation ($325,000). Co-PIs: R.N. Lipcius, R. D. Seitz, A.H. Hines, R. Mann, M.W. Luckenbach.
1998-1999. Analysis of Biofouling Organisms Associated with Powerplants: A Summary of Control Measures and the Importance of Nonindigenous Species. Maryland Department of Natural Resources ($61,000 for 1 yr). Co-PIs: G.M. Ruiz, A.H. Hines.
1998. Indian River Lagoon Species Web Page. Seidel Fund, Smithsonian Institution: ($17,000 over 1 yr). CoPIs: A.H. Hines,J.F. Dineen, G.M. Ruiz, M.E. Rice.
1998. Ballast Water Exchange Experiments. American Petroleum Institute ($34,500 for 1 yr). Co-PIs: A.H. Hines, G.M. Ruiz.
1997-1999. Biological Invasions of Cold-Water Coastal Ecosystems: Ballast-Mediated Introductions in Port Valdez/Prince William Sound, Alaska. National Sea Grant and Regional Citizens Advisory Council of Prince William Sound ($173,000 + $290,000 non-federal match). Co-PIs: A.H. Hines, G.M. Ruiz, N. Foster, H. Feder, J. Chapman, G. Hansen.
1997. Non-Indigenous Coastal Species at High Latitude: Ballast Water Transport into Prince William Sound, Alaska. Regional Citizens Advisory Council ($62,750 over 1 yr). CoPIs: A.H. Hines, G.M. Ruiz, J.R. Chapman, G.I. Hansen.
1997. Indian River Lagoon Species Inventory. National Estuary Program ($22,000 over 1 yr). PIs: A. H. Hines, G.M. Ruiz, J.F. Dineen, M.E. Rice.
1996-2001. RTG: Biology in Small Populations. Research Training Grant Program, National Science Foundation ($1,500,000 over 5 yrs). PIs: G. Wilkinson & P.A. Abrams; CoPIs: A.H. Hines and 14 others from SI and Univ. Maryland, College Park.
1995-1996. Habitat Value of Natural and Altered Shorelines in Chesapeake Bay. Habitat Restoration, Living Resources Subcommittee, EPA Chesapeake Bay Program ($41,000 over 1 yr). Co-PIs: A.H. Hines, R.A. Everett, G.M. Ruiz.
1995-1996. Habitat Value of Natural and Alterred Shorelines in Chesapeake Bay. Habitat Restoration, Living Resources Subcommittee, EPA Chesapeake Bay Program ($41,000 over 1 yr). PIs: A.H. Hines, R.A. Everett, G.M. Ruiz.
1995. Changes in Ballast Water Plankton Assemblages During Transoceanic Voyages. NATO International Scientific Exchange Programmes ($6,800 over 1 yr). PI: G.M. Ruiz; Co-PIs: L.D. Smith, J.T. Carlton, A.H. Hines, J.W. Lenz, S. Gollasch, M.E. Dammer.
1995. Comparative Life Histories of Brachyuran Crabs. Japan Society for the Promotion of Science ($5,000). PI: A.H. Hines.
1994-1997. Susceptibility of Chesapeake Bay to Invasions of Exotic Species Associated with Ballast Water. Maryland Sea Grant Program; ($160,000 over 3 yr). Co-Principal Investigators: G.M. Ruiz, A.H. Hines, W. Coats, W.Jaeckle.
1994-1997. Biological Analysis of Ballast Water in Naval Vessels entering Chesapeake Bay. Dept. of Defense Legacy Program; ($460,000 over 3 yr). PI: G.M. Ruiz; Co-PIs: A.H. Hines, J.T. Carlton.
1994-1997. History of Nonindigenous Species Invasions of Chesapeake Bay, Parts I & II. U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service ($98,000 over 3 yrs). PI: G.M. Ruiz; Co-PIs: A.H. Hines, J.T. Carlton.
1994-1997. History of nonidigenous species invasions of Chesapeake Bay, Parts I & II. U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service ($98,000 over 3 yrs). PI: G.M. Ruiz; Co-PIs: A.H. Hines, R.A. Everett, J.T. Carlton.
1994-1996. Understanding Ballast-Mediated Invasions: the Effects of Ballast Water Transport and Prolonged Darkness on Survival and Development of Exotic Invertebrates. Smithsonian Scholarly Studies Program; ($70,000 over 2 yr). PI: L.D. Smith; Co-PIs: G.M. Ruiz, A.H. Hines, J.T. Carlton.
1994-1996. Susceptibility of Chesapeake Bay to Invasions of Exotic Species Associated with Ballast Water. Maryland Sea Grant Program; ($160,000 over 3 yr). Co-Principal Investigators: G.M. Ruiz, A.H. Hines, D.W. Coats, W.B. Jaeckle.
1994-1996. Biological Analysis of Ballast Water in Naval Vessels entering Chesapeake Bay. Dept. of Defense Legacy Program; ($460,000 over 2 yr). PI: G.M. Ruiz; Co-PIs: A.H. Hines, J.T. Carlton.
1994-1996. Understanding Ballast-Mediated Invasions: the Effects of Ballast Water Transport and Prolonged Darkness on Survival and Development of Exotic Invertebrates Smithsonian Scholarly Studies Program; ($70,000 over 2 yr). PI: L.D. Smith; Co-PIs: G.M. Ruiz, A.H. Hines, J.T. Carlton.
1993-1994. Blue Crabs and Clams in Chesapeake Bay: A Comparison of the Component and Optimal Foraging Approaches to Predator Behavior. Scholarly Studies Program, Smithsonian Institution; ($59,000 over 2 yr). Principal Investigator: A.H. Hines.
1991-1996. Population Dynamics and Community Structure of Invertebrates and Fish of the Rhode River Subestuary. Environmental Sciences Program, Smithsonian Institution; ($290,000 over 5 yr). Principal Investigator: A.H. Hines.
1990-1994. Complex Predator-prey Interactions in Marine Soft-Bottom Communities: Crabs, Clams, and Patch Dynamics. National Science Foundation, Biological Oceanography; ($360,000 over 3 yr). Principal Investigator: A. H. Hines Co-Principal Investigators: R.N. Lipcius, T.G. Wolcott, D.L. Wolcott.
1990-1992. Sources of Mortality, Refuges, and Habitat Utilization by Juvenile Blue Crabs. Scholarly Studies Program, Smithsonian Institution; ($75,000 over 2 yr). Co-Principal Investigators: A.H. Hines and G.M. Ruiz.
1989-1990. Complex Trophic Interactions of Fish, Shrimp, and Benthic Invertebrates in Chesapeake Bay. Scholarly Studies Program, Smithsonian Institution; ($69,600 over 2 yr). Co-Principal Investigators: A.H. Hines and M. H. Posey.
1987-1998. Population Dynamics and Community Structure of Invertebrates and Fish of the Rhode River Subestuary. Environmental Sciences Program, Smithsonian Institution; ($81, 000 per yr). PI: A.H. Hines.
1987-1991. Population Dynamics and Community Structure of Invertebrates and Fish of the Rhode River Subestuary. Environmental Sciences Program, Smithsonian Institution; ($281, 000 over 5 yr). Principal Investigator: A.H. Hines.
1987-1990. Interactive and Non-linear Effects of Predation, Intraspecific Competition and Environmental Variation upon Species Persistence in Marine Soft-bottom Communities. National Science Foundation, Biological Oceanography; ($84,400 over 2 yr). Co-Principal Investigators: A.H. Hines and R.N. Lipcius.
1986-1990. Telemetric Analysis of Movement, Foraging, and Habitat Utilization of Blue Crabs (Callinectes sapidus). Scholarly Studies Program, Smithsonian Institution; ($58,000) over 2 yr). Co-Principal Investigators: A.H. Hines and T.G. Wolcott.
1982- 2001. Crustacean Life Histories. Hunterdon Fund, Smithsonian Marine Station at Ft. Pierce, Florida. ($5,000 per yr). Principal Investigator: A.H. Hines.