Participatory Science ProjectOyster Cam


The Oyster Cam method has four main steps right now: 

  1. Volunteers deploy the Go-Pro rig on restored oyster reefs and control oyster reefs. Since April 2023, we have worked with four local river stewardship organizations to test the rigs—we provide the training on how to deploy the rigs and volunteers monitor restored reefs in their local tributaries around the Chesapeake Bay. 
  2. SERC scientists pull the clearest images from the videos and upload them into Zooniverse, an online interactive platform used for research around the world. 
  3. (Coming soon!) Anyone with access to a computer and the internet analyzes the images by answering three questions to determine oyster percentage coverage and height. Each image is looked at by multiple people, and their collective answer is used to find a consensus score. Right now, high school students are testing out this workflow to help us determine if it works or not. 
  4. SERC scientists use the percentage coverage and height to give each image a score from 0 (barren seafloor) to 3 (healthy reef), and inform the organizations who monitored their reefs the status of the restoration.
  • A woman holding a PVC frame with GoPros attached over the edge of a small boat floating in the water.

    Camera rig used to capture images of oyster reefs