Participatory Science ProjectEnvironmental Archaeology at SERC

Get Involved

The SERC Archaeology Lab is staffed entirely by volunteers and college students. Without them, archaeology research at SERC would be impossible. We encourage anyone who is interested to get in touch with us. As a volunteer, you'll have the opportunity to...

  • Excavate areas scientists think contain artifacts that speak to the lifestyle of the lands inhabitants.
  • Sift soil from the units in giant sieves to “pan for artifacts,” such as tobacco pipes, nails, ceramic sherds, and Indian artifacts.
  • Trowel the bottom and sides of the units to reveal color and texture patterns that provide evidence of how the land was used.
  • Wash and identify recovered artifacts.

If you are interested in regularly volunteering, we encourage you to consider creating your own research project. You can...

  • Develop original research questions.
  • Create procedures to answer those questions.
  • Implement procedures, with support from assistant volunteer scientists.
  • Write reports discussing their methods and findings.

Eligibility and time commitment

  • Minimum age is 16. 
  • Minimum time commitment is three 3-hour visits, but more visits are common and encouraged.

Location and days/times

The Archaeology lab and excavation sites are located on the SERC campus in Edgewater, MD.
The lab is active on Wednesdays from 9 a.m.—3 p.m. (with a lunch break at 12 pm), but volunteers don’t need to stay the entire day.

To sign up or for more information

Contact Rachael Mady, SERC Participatory Science Coordinator, at or 443-482-2276.